Data is Beautiful - 2019 Yearly #1 Bestsellers
We have compiled the entire year of 2019 GLIBA #1 Bestsellers into graphs below. Rating is based on titles that have held the #1 spot on the GLIBA Bestseller List the longest during 2019. Information is based on #1 bestseller title reporting. The data provided is organized by title, publisher, genre, date and number of weeks at #1. The Y axis is number of weeks a title held the #1 spot on the GLIBA bestsellers list. We are currently working on a more interactive data analysis system but until then we wanted to share the information. This data is extremely important to our region and its supporting publishers, as well as pretty fun to look through. Information gathered has been reported by stores in the GLIBA region for the year of 2019.
Ranked by Publisher & Genre
Ranked by Title & Genre
Fiction: Hardcover
Ranked by Publisher & Title |
Fiction: Paperback
Ranked by Title & Publisher |
Fiction: Paperback
Ranked by Publisher & Title |
Nonfiction: Hardcover
Ranked by Title & Publisher |
Nonfiction: Hardcover
Ranked by Publisher & Title |
Nonfiction: Paperback
Ranked by Title & Publisher |